Medical Aid Tariffs - Medical Aid Tariff Codes & Procedure Codes
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Research confirmed that healthcare providers and their respective software providers dread year-end and the accompanying updating of tariffs. Since 2010 with the removal of the National Reference Pricelist each of the 86 medical schemes in the country now have to distribute their own discretionary increases each year. The effort to obtain the tariff increases and load it on practice management applications put strain on the industry in a period where everybody should start winding down. Medical schemes are inundated with calls from providers requesting tariff increase percentages, and January month see providers and schemes trying to fix incorrect billing to prevent financial losses.


MediRates has developed a new platform to make medical tariffs accessible to healthcare providers in an easy, user-­friendly manner utilizing a web-­based solution. Updates and option changes can be communicated by medical schemes to healthcare providers with a single instruction to MediRates. By working directly with the medical schemes we ensure that the tariffs made available are as accurate as possible and available on time. Solving this problem for the industry minimises the admin load for medical schemes and healthcare providers.

Find out more about the 2024 Tariff Initiative

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